commonsense 13/02: Visualization based data discovery & Data-driven business decisions for all
Common Sense is the platform to exchange and discuss your views and opinions on data understanding: down to earth - relevant - accessible.
Visualization based data discovery is a trend - should I care?
In the past years, visual data discovery tools have increasingly gained market share in the BI world and have become important marketing spearheads for the established vendors. In this talk, we take a look at successful implementations, reflect on where to use visualizations and where not, and ask what steps are necessary to generate value with visualizations.
Candid Rutz, Manager, D ONE
Presentation, click here.
Data-driven business decisions for all: Myth or reality? A hands-on session.
There has been a lot of hype recently about business analytics and rightfully so: Organizations that tap into all types of data with analytics can gain precise insights and speed information flow to enable quick and informed decisions to outperform their peers. But how high is the barrier to entry? In this talk, Dr. Andreas Becks looks into this question from a hands-on perspective and discusses the do's, the don'ts and the necessary pre-conditions. Starting with propensity to buy as a central indicator in sales and marketing, we will experience how an analyst with the right data and tools at hand can create highly performing campaigns and analyze their success.
Dr. Andreas Becks, Senior Business Architect, SAS Institute
Presentation, click here.