commonsense 12/01:Planning & Is data the new oil?
Common Sense is the platform to exchange and discuss your views and opinions on data understanding: down to earth - relevant - accessible.
Data understanding – the new perspective
Planning: Selective use of corporate data with BPC
"What gets measured, gets done". This rule is more valid today, than ever. Much of the investment for BI and MIS is made here. In addition to data processing, goal setting is crucial - and their verifiability for implementation. This is where BPC comes into place. We present a practical example of SAP BPC in the consumer goods industry.
Presentation, click here
"Data is the new oil" - Why?
237 weeks in a row nr 1 246.5 m: record in ski jumping. 7-0! Data has for a long time fascinated people, and by far not only in sports: they condense information in short and clear statements. This makes them valuable. We explore the question whether the association, "data is the new oil" is wishful thinking or reality, we ask for the meaning according to the economic importance of data and how these seemingly bubbling springs can be developed.
Presentation, click here