AMLD 2022, EPFL Lausanne

Keynote Simon
Simon Hefti's Keynote

This year, we offered three workshops at the AMLD conference, as well as delivered a keynote presented by Simon Hefti and held an industry talk together with our client Raiffeisen.

Workshop 1

Designing Effective Visualisations to Communicate Data Stories

By Diana Mitache, Sebastian Baumhauer, Charlotte Cabane and Jacqueline Stählin - March 26th


In this workshop we walked you through storytelling and data visualisation 101 and provided you tools and data to perform a series of exercises before creating your own data story. Please find here below the handout of the workshop. Thank you for your participation and do not hesitate to reach out!

Diana, Sebastian, Charlotte & Jacqueline

Workshop 2

Delivering Data Projects Successfully with DataOps

By Ramon Braunwarth, Jonas Stehli, Uwe Thümmel, and Timothy Sondej - March 26th


In this workshop, you have learned about the DataOps framework, and how you can apply it to your own projects.
Thank you very much for participating in our workshop and do not hesitate to reach out!

Ramon, Jonas, Uwe & Timothy

Workshop 3

The Full Machine Learning Lifecycle - How to Use Machine Learning in Production (MLOps)

By Tim Rohner, Roman Moser, Bernhard Vennemann, Spyros Cavadias, Steffen Terhaar - March 26th


In this workshop, we helped you get familiar with all steps of an MLOps workflow using a real-world WinJi use case. All participants implemented a guided, end-to-end, completely open source solution using technologies like MLflow, Airflow, DVC and Docker. Remember to stay tuned for the accompanying blog article and public repo of the workshop!
Thank you for your participation and do not hesitate to reach out!

Tim, Roman, Bernhard, Spyros & Steffen

Thanks for your registration!

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